How Bad Do I Weekly Podcast

Hosted by life coach MsLalexis and founder of How Bad Do I Academy, you'll be inspired every step of the way!

We'll cover:

  • How to find your purpose
  • The power of goal setting
  • Tips on personal development
  • And much more
So don't wait! Join us today and get ready to take your life to the next level!

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Good Day

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We look forward to chit chatting with you and our team here at How Bad Do I Academy as we WIN together!

Write on the Wall and Win

We want to hear from you! Write on the first blog post wall with "I WANT IT BAD!" and you will be entered for life for random prize drawings. Prizes include gift cards, cash, and much more - you never know what you can win by just showing up! Remember to subscribe for your chance to win.

I want to Show up!